Mile stone after milestone attaining greater heights each passing year, D.A.V NH-3 stands tall today. D.A.V NH-3 has become an epitome of good education and discipline and has built a reputation that is synonymous with excellence. It provides an environment that fosters growth, creativity and discovery. The children can discover the magic and enjoy the gift of laughter and can broaden their intellectual, physical, emotional, social and ethical horizons in a creative , much enhanced and innovative way.
In this constantly ever changing society the young minds are pitted with drastic changes in their environment. In these formative years they need a genial, tranquil and natural learning environment. With the ever increasing demands of competitions, fast changing values, peer pressure of challenging career and increasing love for materialistic life it has become difficult for the individuals to maintain its prime values intact. Our School tries to imbibe values of love, culture and knowledge through education that enables them to adjust and adapt to the emerging society of multicultural thoughts beliefs and religions.
We foster them with the courage that kindles optimism and will power not to give up during adversities. In this era of cut throat competition, it is of paramount importance to impart an integrated education to the future citizens of the nation for successfully facing multitasking. We lay special emphasis on both co- curricular and extracurricular activities providing students an edge over other to be a leader in their respective field of activity and for their holistic development.
“Life is a journey. The path we take, what we look back on, and what we look forward to is up to us. We determine our destination”.
The school boasts of state of the art laboratories, a well stocked library, well competent vigilant and highly qualified teachers with a proud record of meritorious accomplishments to their credit, an ideal teacher taught ration.“Besides imparting right knowledge to students to make them well equipped to meet the challenges of this complex world”.